Field Notes

August 31, 2015


Showit Robot

At first glance one would assume Field Denny was more of a motorcycle enthusiast who spent his days riding life's highway and his evenings in the back room of a bar anteing up with the best poker face outside Vegas. That is, only if that first glance was a split second, and was timed to one of the few small fragments of his day when you might catch him in between smiles. Even when Field is doing his best to deliver a dry comment, 10805539_10203109526649141_4492032504130560788_nhe barely makes it through the full line before his eyes disappear into two tiny half-smiles and his shoulders bounce with the overwhelming weight of trying to contain his joy as he anticipates the end results.

The man is always smiling.

Perhaps you know him as the Ace in Ace&Whim. Or maybe you know him as a Showiteer turned Showit crew member and as the co-anchor of Showit Live. If you don't know Field Denny, we are here to help. Just last week he gave a perfect example of who he is. Shortly after Field arrived to work Monday morning he was asked howIMG_6746 excited he was about life right at the very moment. His answer? “A solid 9.” Showit can be a great place to work but a Monday morning is a Monday morning no matter what office you work in. A spade is not a spade to Field Denny.

From an early age, Field was gifted in being joyfully unique. The 1,544 residents his hometown of Gordon, Nebraska had no idea what they were in store for. While the rest of the town's young inhabitants were dreaming trainingof becoming astronauts, ballerinas, and doctors, Field wanted more. Young Field broke the Nebraskan mold when he told his teachers he wanted to be a secret-agent-firefighting-police-astronaut (queue James Bond-esque theme song). He is training to achieve this goal continues to this day.

image3When he is not working for Showit or taking fantastic photos along side wife (and high school sweetheart) you will most likely find this family man at Disneyland.
Outside his family, burritos, bacon, Star Wars, baseball, and his dog Daisy, it is one of his greatest loves. As yearly pass-holders, the Denny family have been more times this year than most people go in their lifetime. It makes sense really that one of the happiest people on earth would frequently visit the happiest place on earth.

If you have attended Showit UNITED in the past, you will know that Field will be one of the first people to greet you as you arrive this October. fielddogFor those who are coming to UNITED for the first time, be ready,
Field has never met a stranger. He is always around, and always willing to add one more to whatever group he is in.
When you see him, just wait a second. In that second, you will receive a smile, a hug, and friend for life. We here at Showit love to see him in action. Above all, we just love to see him.

Here's to you, Mr. Field Denny.

Q & A

To be or not to be? That is the question. To be kind, always.
Kittens or puppies? Puppies… always puppies
Bunnies or sharks? Sharks!! Although in live I am much more like a bunny
Bird-watching or whale-watching? Birds. Give me mountains, give me woods, and you will have given me happiness.
What's your spirit animal? Golden Retriever. All I want to do is be your best friend. I want to snuggle, to play, and I've never met a stranger. Goldens are incredibly loyal, but are likely to forget what they were supposed to be doing because they found something fun or interesting… like a new person to hug.

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