Are you afraid that your website isn't converting your ideal clients? Well worry no longer, friends! Because Sarah Ann has some powerful tools to make sure website is more than just a pretty store front!
There are so many definitions of who your ideal client is, but seriously – how do you know who it is?? Sarah says that your ideal client is the person who will pay what you are asking for your services. Simple!
She walks us through so many things that we take for granted as business owners. Like the importance of your website and how to talk to your ideal client. Sarah also covers:
Visit Sarah at her beautiful website. You can also find her on Instagram and Pinterest! You can also find her beautiful calligraphy on the products at Gift and Garnish, an online shop run by her and Laylee Emadi Smith!
You can get the bonus tools she mentioned in her webinar right here!
And if you are feeling pumped about making sure your website is converting the clients you want – but you don't have a website, we are here for you! Start your FREE 14-day trial to have a unique and professional website at Looking for a professional, and completely customizable website template? We have FREE, and premium designs to choose from in our Design Market
Hi! I'm Jihae Watson! I was born in Seoul, grew up in Toronto, Ontario and now live in Gilbert, Arizona. I love all three cities so very much as I have plenty of family, and favorite restaurants in all three locations.
I am married to a stud named Chris, and we have four fantastic kids. Together we love being a foster family, and we presently have the sweetest little foster babe.
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