May 20, 2014
When we help Showiteers get ready for their One Day Website, the hardest content is usually the dreaded About Page. It’s just hard to write about ourselves and clearly communicate who we are. I remember when writing my bio became exciting instead of frustrating and time consuming. People don’t buy what you do, they buy […]
May 16, 2014
Brian Bossany is a wedding photographer who worked with Showit designer Julie Story on his custom Showit website. How did you find your website designer? It started out with me looking for a designer to work on my logo, and she sold the idea to me. What caught your eye about your website designer? I […]
May 14, 2014
Would you like to be recognized for your design skills, or recognize an amazing designer that you have worked with on your Showit website? We want to feature you! We love that with Showit, you can create truly unique website designs that really help you set your business apart, and are always on the lookout […]
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