Jan 23, 2015
Stefani Marie is a wedding photographer based in Alabama who worked with Earl & Layne to customize a Style Boutique style group and a custom built mobile site. How did you find your website designer? She worked with me on a website for another company I used to own. What caught your eye about your […]
Jan 21, 2015
Join us as we chat with Katelyn about her brand and site launch!
Jan 16, 2015
Lindsi Rian is an Arizona-based portrait photographer who customized a style group from Go Live HQ for her Showit site. My site is: A customized Template How did you find your website designer? I’ve followed Promise’s design work for a while and finally found a design I couldn’t live without! What caught your eye about […]
Oct 3, 2014
Jessica Haley is a wedding photographer in New York who customized a Sitehouse Designs style group to create her Showit-based website. How did you get started working on your Showit site? What was your first step? I won my Sitehouse Design as a giveaway at Melissa Jill’s MJ2Day workshop and chose the Studio Playback design […]
Sep 26, 2014
Jamie + Sarah are wedding photographers in Grand Rapids, Michigan who customized a style group to create their Showit website. How did you get started working on your Showit site? What was your first step? I found inspiration from some of the templates and then combined them and rearranged them to fit a style that […]
Sep 25, 2014
Sometimes it can be hard to find inspiration when you are working in a creative field, whether you are creating something for someone else, or for yourself. The Showit Design Smiths are constantly churning out inspired website designs that are unique for their clients, which begs the question: How do you stay inspired? Lyss […]
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