5 Reasons You Need To Be At Spark 2022

June 21, 2022


Cassie Jones

As an entrepreneur, you wake up every day with the passion, determination, and willpower to do work that matters and leaves a meaningful impact on the world. But those days are often coupled with exhausted, grueling work that sometimes feels like the needle just isn't moving. Sometimes that feeling isn't just days, it feels like months, and for many, it's felt like that for years. So what can small business owners do, or where can creatives go to get recharged, find inspiration, and get connected with other people like them to stay motivated along this journey?

Conferences—more specifically, Spark, the conference for Showit creatives.

So what is Spark, anyway? It's the new Showit user conference for creative small businesses. After 10 years of experience hosting the United Conference for photographers, we recognized the value of creating a conference where every creative person could connect with others, learn with others, and recharge their businesses.  Creative businesses want to thrive, and we believe that top-notch education and genuine, in-person connection, is how we can help you build or re-energize your business so it’s thriving

So why should you attend Spark? Well, for countless reasons, but here are 5 really important ones!

1. Get the energy boost you need to keep running your business.

If you get the feeling that your business is running you and not the other way around, you need to be at Spark this year.  Being present at Spark this year will kindle new ideas and new relationships that could quite literally spark new life into your business. With that kind of energy, you'll have more time for the things that really matter in your life, and growing your business will no longer feel like a gas guzzler!  Don't let your business be a rut you're stuck in, or an endless cycle of exhaustion. Come join us and get the boost you need to take your business to new places.

2. Discover your people. 

The entrepreneurs' journey tends to feel like an isolated one. We completely understand. Here’s the good news: Spark is a place where creatives gather, connect and recharge. We've built communities around Showit for the past 10 years, hosting a conference for photographers, but also included creatives from other industries to invest in them. Now with Spark, there is a place to build new relationships with others who share similar experiences and know what it means to build and operate a creative business.  Together, you can build each other up, learn from one another and make this whole running a creative business thing not feel like a deserted island you have to survive on. 

3.  Get real, practical advice on how to make your business successful.  

If you’re going to spend your time and money to learn at a conference, you want to make sure you’re going to get a meaningful return on that investment—1000% agree. Spark is going to be full of some of the creative industry's best educators, who are coming to pour everything they've learned through experience into you and your business for 4 days!  From Sunday to Wednesday, you'll be taking notes and learning from educators who have been where you've been and built creative businesses from the ground up. So you can rest assured that when you leave, you’ll have new tools you can use to build a thriving, sustainable business.

4. Get the tools to give your site the makeover it needs.

Let’s be honest. We couldn’t create a conference without talking about websites. It’s literally what we do! Here at Showit, we love websites, but even more than that, we love making websites WORK for you!  Our support pros will be on-site and available at the  Showit Support Bar. Additionally there will be hands-on learning labs with some of our amazing Design Partners to equip you with the tools to build the website of your dreams. Get the website you've been working on in your spare time out of the dark and launched into the world.  

5.  Now is the time to invest in yourself.  

You want to know how successful, creative small business owners do it? How do they make it look so easy, or always seem to know the right people, or end up in the right place at the right time? It’s not a coincidence, it's an investment. Successful people invest in themselves—personally and professionally. While investing in your business is great for taxes (hello write offs!), investing in business education is essential to growth.  This year, we have leading creatives, educators, and business strategists, like Natalie Franke, Jasmine Star, Danielle Coke and many others to share their wisdom, share their hearts, and share their tools so that  you get the spark that leads to new life and new heights in your business. 

Are you convinced yet? Trust us, Spark is THE conference you want to be at this November. Spark will be held at the Buttes Resort in Tempe, Arizona from November 6-9th, 2022. To make sure you don't miss it, REGISTER TODAY.

Showit is a drag and drop website platform with a free trial at Showit.com

Cassie Jones is a wedding photographer located in Romance, Arkansas. She loves peanut butter M&M's, vanilla lattes, rapping in the car, her two children and her husband.