Everyone is looking for social media, and especially Instagram tips. And we've got some for you! But first, we have a question for you: Have you ever been in a really demanding relationship, that required a lot of your attention, free time, and mental space? When you are with them, you are wondering if you are doing the right things. And when you aren't with them, you overthink whether you should be doing more for your relationship. Does this not remind you a little of your relationship with Instagram?
There is a famous relationship book called The 5 Love Languages. It talks about the 5 main ways we receive and give love. These love languages actually apply really well to Instagram as well! To be successful on the ‘Gram, you need to give it all the love in all the love languages.
To be successful on Instagram, there are a couple of key things to keep in mind. Make a check list to make sure all of these things are in order:
Use major holidays, and random national days (like Donut Day, Bring your dog to work day) to help with ideas to create content, and to connect with others. When doing the big holidays – #halloween #veteransday – post something that makes you stand out from the crowd!
Instagram Stories can be seen as great opportunities for you to create little commercials for your business. This is a fun way to help your followers to learn more about YOU, your business, your family, your struggles, your victories, your amazing sense of humor, your amazing taste in home decor. It only lasts for 24 hours, so your stories don't have to be as ‘perfectly curated' as your feed!
Make sure you use ALL the features! Instagram has created SO MANY TOOLS for you to create interesting and fun stories. Use these. Stroke Instagram's ego! Remember – she is your needy girlfriend! She has given you gifts (or speficially GIFs), so use them, and she will reward you with exposure!
And as always, engagement is KEY! If someone responds to your story, and they send you a DM – keep the conversation going. Thank them for their response. Ask them another question. This is how you make friends online – by engaging in conversation!
When we position our customer as the hero and ourselves as the guide, we will be recognized as a trusted resource to help them overcome their challenges. Positioning the customer as the hero in the story is more than just good manners; it’s also good business.”
Donald Miller, StoryBrand CEO
“Turn strangers into friends, and friends into customers.”
Seth Godin, Permission Marketing
“Jab, jab, jab, right hook.”
– Gary Vee
Are you answering the question: “Can you do THAT for someone like ME?” People are looking for help – they want amazing pictures taken of them, their families, their dogs. They see the pictures you are taking, but can you reassure them that you can do THAT for someone like THEM? You can read more about how to accomplish this in this blogpost.
Can you answer the questions – Are you good at what you do, and Can you do that, for someone like me?
Davey Jones, Brand that Book Podcast
We hope that you have found these tips helpful in increasing your engagement, and eventually your ability to sell your services and products on Instagram. Social media is such a powerful tool, but it's all the more helpful when you are able to understand how those tools work, and how to make those tools work for you. As in all good relationships – make sure you create some boundaries with Instagram, and make sure you control it, and that it doesn't control you.
Check out the Demographics per Social Media Platform
Later and Planoly , are both great scheduling options for Instagram and other social media platforms
Jasmine Star Show Great podcast for social media, and connecting with your ideal clients
The Anchored Business Podcast, This episode specifically talks about Instagram
Brands That Book Podcast, Great podcast for business, marketing, social media
National Random Days Calendar for ideas on what to post, and when
Canva.com to create your own branded graphics
Hi! I'm Jihae Watson! I was born in Seoul, grew up in Toronto, Ontario and now live in Gilbert, Arizona. I love all three cities so very much as I have plenty of family, and favorite restaurants in all three locations.
I am married to a stud named Chris, and we have four fantastic kids. Together we love being a foster family, and we presently have the sweetest little foster babe.
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