A few weddings back, we started using the Fuji Instax Share printer and printing one physical print albeit, a small one, but it's made a huge impact. Our brides instantly shared about us usually the next day, taking a snapshot of the print and singing our praises.
Posting business related blogs and wedding posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can only go so far. But when you give your clients a reason to talk about you on social media, it goes ten times farther by way of reach and impact.
Giving your clients a reason to brag about you can further your business so much. Your clients are your biggest cheerleaders and your biggest advocates. Word of mouth business is still one of the best ways to gain new business but now days, the mouth has a new face : social media.
Take a few minutes to brainstorm ways in your workflow that you can give clients a reason to talk about you. Whether it's by your quick return, or a sweet client gift somewhere in the process. You can bet that nearly every time you go above and beyond – your clients have the opportunity to post about it and most of the time, they'll take it.
How do you create an opportunity for your clients to brag about you? We'd love to hear your answers in the comments!
Cassie Jones is a wedding photographer located in Romance, Arkansas. She loves peanut butter M&M's, vanilla lattes, rapping in the car, her two children and her husband.
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