When was the last time you made a life-changing decision that people around you thought was crazy? Sometimes creating an alternative path for your creative business seems scary – but ends up being the most rewarding!
Often when we hear the story of successful entrepreneurs, there’s inevitably a point when they’re faced with one of the most difficult decisions they’ll have to make. Do they choose comfort, remaining in their well-paying, stable job; or do they bet on themselves and choose a pathway that by definition won’t be as stable, well-paying or comfortable. Have you come to that fork yet on your creative road?
We understand how incredibly challenging making that decision can be, but we also know that it is ENTIRELY WORTH IT! Don’t just take it from us, hear it directly from one of our dearest friends, Krista Jones.
Krista started her journey in design while in college, but also spent time as a wedding photographer and then a community organizer. Those skills and her success building thriving communities led to what most people would consider a dream opportunity to work in Silicon Valley and live the life so many envy…
But for Krista, there was another path she felt more called to.
Now, years later, Krista not only is a thriving business owner, but she and her husband Davey also own and operate multiple businesses and a farm! Talk about an alternative creative path! There’s a quote from a great song that goes, “they love to tell you to stay inside the lines, but something’s better on the other side.” – John Mayer
Krista’s story may be unique to her specific journey, but the decision she made to choose herself and trust the path set uniquely for her is very much a common one that many successful entrepreneurs experience. What’s the idea, the work, or the product you have that is worth more of your energy?
What better time to go for it than now!
We'd love you hear how you find ways to be free to be you in your creative business. What do you think it means to be free? How do you show it in your work for others?
Have you found a way to be free in your creative business? Share with us here on the blog in the comments. Tag us on Instagram and tell us how you flex your creative muscles. If Facebook is your jam, we always love to see what you are creating and sharing there, too!
We hope that you feel motivated to forge an alternative route for yourself and your creative business!
And if you are wanting to up your own game and get your online home refreshed and ready for clients you can try Showit for free for 14 days!
Casandra is a born and bred East Coaster who finds herself braving the heat of the Valley of the Sun with her husband and three cute kids all for the love of Showit.
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