The Art of Posing

February 27, 2015


Jamie and Sarah McCauley

“Put your arms around her, tilt your head 45 degrees and look just past my forehead”. Did I just describe your prom photo experience?
What if I told you there was a way to help people look natural, to help couples not look so awkward and posed? There are ways to create images that make your heart melt because the emotion is so incredibly real and unposed.
I've heard so many photographers say after a shoot…”They just weren't that cute together” or “They were so awkward, its not my fault”. Guess what? Having your photo taken can be incredibly awkward, no matter who you are. It is in your job description to help couples not look or feel awkward.

Good news! You can do it! Here's how:

1. Have the couple move into poses. This is such a simple and easy concept but it is crucial to getting natural photographs.

  • Have them walk towards you and talk while swinging their hands
  • Smell her cheek! This ones our favorite. Ask them to do something silly, first they'll look at you like you're crazy and the next thing you know they are giggling in the most precious way. BOOM. You got your shot and they have the photo they want to print on a canvas for their wedding. (See header image)
  • Have her run up behind him, grab his arm, and look up at him. Their bodies will comfortably fall into place, looking natural.
2. Give them direction and constant positive feedback.
  • Jamie and I will often show couples what we want them to do. Watching us do it first helps them know that they are doing it right.
  • Tell them how good they look and what a great job they are doing. Never let it be silent for more than a few seconds. Silence creates tension and tension is bad. Show them the back of your screen, show them your excitement! Watching you having fun with it will encourage them to do the same.
  • Spend the first 10 minutes of the shoot talking to them about “normal” things. Ask them how work is going, how wedding planning has been and ask them if they have been anywhere amazing to eat recently. Chat like friends, then start shooting.

Posing is a dirty word. Get it out of your vocabulary. You aren't there to pose. You are a facilitator in naturalism, a person who helps couples be in their own element. You are simply there capturing two people on a date. It is your job to show them how to be in love, in front of you.

Jamie & Sarah are wedding photographers and instructors based in Grand Rapids, MI. Their work has been featured in PDN's 2013 "The Wedding Issue" and in the Shoot & Share "2014 Photo Edition".

We feel so extremely blessed to do what we do and consider ourselves lucky to meet wonderful people like you! Follow us on Instagram (@jamieandsarahphoto) to see our personal posts!