Here at Showit, we love a story of mentor-ship. Lucy MacLeish has just the story to spotlight the growing movement of community over competition.
After studying marketing and business in college, and even a semester in Italy, Lucy still wasn't feeling fueled by her career. She always thought she wanted to be in the fashion industry. However, just like another Featured Showiteer, Caroline Jarvis, Lucy felt the fashion industry would not feed her need for creativity and her love of people. While working retail, Lucy took a part time job at a studio in Charleston, S.C. by the name of Juliet Elizabeth. Soon, Lucy started to realize her passion for photography and moved to work for the studio full-time.
“I owe so much to Juliet and her husband Mat because they showed me the ins-and-outs of the industry, and didn't hide any of their trade secrets. I was their studio assistant in Charleston, and they taught me to try out all types of photography and choose what I'm the most passionate about. This is why I shoot all portraits, and specialize in high school seniors — because I don't feel the need to be a jack-of-all-trades! Once I had spent a good chunk of time with them (I was a second shooter for over fifty weddings, as well as other portrait sessions), I moved back home to Orlando to run my business full-time, with their support!”
Now back home in Orlando (Florida being where she draws much inspiration), Lucy is has just finished her second year of being a full-time photographer. With so much experience under her belt, she was able to hit the ground running from the beginning. The time with Juliet and her husband Mat allowed Lucy to know with which client's she would excel. This philosophy of knowing your strengths also comes into play while running her own business. Her number one tip to people just starting out is to outsource. “Don't spend hours trying to do things that aren't your forte. Focus on what you are good at, and then outsource the rest. For example, I am trained in photography and marketing, but I don't know much about accounting, so I hire someone to take care of that side of my business. This will save you a ton of time, and allow you to focus on your creativity and brand.”
After all, the creative aspect of Lucy's business is what fuels her, so why wouldn't she want to focus on the bit that matters? “I never feel like work is “work,” and always look forward to waking up in the morning to market my business, create and edit my images, and meet new people! I love that I get to be creative every day in my job.”
Lucy, being a self-proclaimed “extreme extrovert” makes sure to balance her time editing and marketing with time with friends and family. “My family and friends are more important than my work, so it's a daily discernment and decision to decide how to spend my time. I find that if I spend a week just focusing solely on myself and my business, and a lot of time alone, I'm not quite as creative when shooting. My friends and family make me so happy, and when I spend time with them and get re-energized by them, it shows in my work. I think that's the extrovert in me! Practically speaking, I never work Sundays so that I can spend time relaxing with loved ones, and getting rejuvenated for the next week.”
Lucy's is a path that begins and ends with community. We are so glad to have her share her experiences with us and be part of this amazing community. Like Lucy, we are constantly finding inspiration from all of you! You can continue to be inspired by Lucy through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you have someone with a wonderful story of how community inspired his or her creative journey, don't hesitate to let us know!
Casandra is a born and bred East Coaster who finds herself braving the heat of the Valley of the Sun with her husband and three cute kids all for the love of Showit.
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