Our very own UX Designer, Chris Misterek, wants you to be able to blog on WordPress as a Showit user with confidence! Check out this webinar so you can learn more about the small details – like how to log in to your WordPress account (not your Showit account!); as well as bigger details like categories, and using the Yoast plugin!
Chris also invited you to our Spark Conference! So if you would like to come, and hear from amazing speakers, and get help (stop Chris when you see him! He will help you!) with your website and blog, we would LOVE to meet you and hug you and help you!
Hi! I'm Jihae Watson! I was born in Seoul, grew up in Toronto, Ontario and now live in Gilbert, Arizona. I love all three cities so very much as I have plenty of family, and favorite restaurants in all three locations.
I am married to a stud named Chris, and we have four fantastic kids. Together we love being a foster family, and we presently have the sweetest little foster babe.
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