When the first Showit United happened, it was in a small hotel conference room in Las Vegas. I was so excited for everyone, but so sad for me.
I couldn't make it.
Babies. They are awesome, but not very Vegas-y.
So, I lurked to get any update I could get my hands on. I even watched as other people tweeted about it! Talk about FOMO*.
Then Showit made the great choice to make sure to include everyone at home, in cubicles, or overseas. We Tweeted. We Facebooked. And of course, we Instagrammed. Any avenue we could travel to reach out to our friends on the other side of the screen, we took it! And then we took it one step further…
We are so happy to have the pleasure of announcing that every year, after the event – the videos are gathered, edited, and ready for your viewing! From Phoenix, Arizona right to your computer anywhere in the world, friends, we give you Showit United Online.
We hope you enjoy United in person, but if you can't make it- that's why we created Showit United Online. Be on the lookout for a link to purchase this at the end of November, as soon as United wraps up and we upload all the videos!
To hear more about other experiences at United, check out this great blog post by
Casandra is a born and bred East Coaster who finds herself braving the heat of the Valley of the Sun with her husband and three cute kids all for the love of Showit.
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