Jefferson Todd Pals

November 25, 2015


Showit Robot

1504106_10202871878454839_2023072471_nJefferson Todd Pals, who most know as JT, has two modes. Intense JT is focused and is so fiercely task-oriented, he can seem almost unapproachable. Content JT is friendly, lighthearted, and enjoys all that goes on in this busy Mothership. With Showit UNITED just last month and Showit 5 rolling out soon, Intense JT has been in overdrive. When a deadline is looming, it seems he just goes unheard for hours. We all know JT has locked himself in his “cave” until the conclusion of the project. 10169400_1606623846238535_2478073520979585987_nUsually, it means he is somewhere far from the office (probably Starbucks) so as not to be taunted or distracted by the rest of us. Eventually, he graces us with his presence again, and we all get to set our eyes on the magic that happens in that cave. He always has the most beautiful designs and layout to present! And once again, we all wonder what happens in that cave.

united_gala_studio_sessions_2015-edits-0019_1024While he hasn't given up any secrets of the cave, we know much of our Design Lead's genius has been heavily influenced by his previous careers. The careers have varied a bit, but lucky for us, JT started with this small company early on and has used every skill he has earned over the years to make Showit greater in all aspects of the business. For example, having spent time in California at Apple, JT has a patience and understanding of the user experience that allows him to jump into support without missing a beat. Also, did you know JT has his own photography business, and is the co-owner of a wholesale distribution company with his lovely wife, Ashley? So, as a small business owner, JT, can relate to Showiteers in a whole new manner, and ensure their needs are considered and met. With so many hats, you would think he doesn't have time to sleep, yet alone relax! Ahh, but you see, Content JT makes the time to enjoy life to the fullest!

11745620_10207130022345775_5133414105529199957_nJT is a connoisseur of wine, beer, coffee and fine food. Scrolling through his Instagram will make you hunger and thirst for good eats and drinks. He and Ashley find adventure together in checking out new local establishments. They are also known to travel to wineries, beer and food festivals, and even to New Mexico for the Hatch Green Chile Festival! If you ever need suggestions on where to meet a friend for drinks or something new to try, he is your man. Not only do they taste it, they make it. Their yard isn't large, but JT and Ashley utilize every inch for growing fresh food in meticulously kept gardens potted in wine or whiskey barrels. In all honesty, we can see JT on his own vineyard running a winery, or brewing up his own craft beer business in the future. We've already enjoyed tasting two batches of homemade beer (one was even gluten-free) at the Mothership this year!

1465143_10202697608538200_1282174851_nThat cozy garden we speak of is also perfectly designed to share with another of JT's and Ashley's loves: two fur babies, Napa and Sonoma. These Golden Retrievers have it made; they even have their own Instagram, The Golden Pals! Although dogs are the only “children” for now, JT is a family man. This perfectly matched couple does an amazing job of pouring themselves into their family and friends. They are close to both of their families, spending much time with their folks on the weekend as they do with their friends. jtIn fact, having grown up here in the Phoenix area, JT and Ashley have a tight group of friends who have become an extension of their family. You just know that they make it a priority to spend time and connect with those they love. Life is precious and short, and we have fun hearing about the adventures and connections these two share with each other and those lucky to call JT and Ashley friend or family.

JT is family to us, too! We love how he just rolls with the punches when the guys at the office mess with him and maybe take a wheel off his office chair to see what happens. We give him a hard time for having such a full calendar that we have to schedule a Showit team event at least 2 months in advance. But you see, we want him there. Time spent with JT and Ashley is time very well spent.

Q&A with JT

  1. Favorite website? It's way too easy to order from. I do all of my Christmas shopping on this site.
  2. Favorite Podcast? $100 MBA Show podcast: I love that it offers short (10-15min) episodes with great business tips. It's perfect for in the car between stops.
  3. Favorite reality television show? Hotel Impossible, Restaurant Impossible – I love the reality shows where experts go into a business that's falling apart and pull it together by the end of the episode.
  4. Twitter or Instagram? Definitely Instagram because it's photo driven. If you like discovering new cocktails you can follow me at @jeffersontodd
  5. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Neither please. I'd much rather have something with caramel.
  6. Best way to decompress? A Negroni cocktail in my hand and an episode of The West Wing.
  7. Kittens or puppies? Definitely puppies! I love our 2 golden retriever dogs Napa & Sonoma.
  8. Whale-watching or bird-watching? Whale watching (minus the seasick boat) because it's a chase.
  9. A person you want to have a drink with? Francis Ford Coppola, the famous director. I would love to hear the stories from the times when he was filming The Godfather and Apocalypse Now. What was it like before the days of special effects? I would also love to hear about how he got into winemaking.
  10. Best way to create? Hang around a coffee shop. I love the background noise that a coffeeshop offers. It seems to offer the right amount of activity for my brain to think creatively.
  11. If you had one superpower, what would it be? Flying…I hate heights now but I believe that if I was able to fly I would get over that pretty fast.
  12. What is your real life superpower? Gardening…ha ha! I seem to have a talent for growing a great garden. Right now we have tomatoes, peppers (jalapeño, shishito, padron), eggplant, basil, oregano, lavender, rosemary, sage, and our Barbara wine grapes.

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