It's not every employee that gets to see the CEO in his jammies. Well, unless, of course, you are his wife and co-owner of the company. In the early years of Showit, Elisa Watson had to do it all. Bookkeeping, human resources, production, events, and every other odd job that is required to run a small business. This all started in their tiny apartment outside of Fresno, CA while learning the ropes of being a new mom. If you ever wondered what Wonder Woman looked like, look no further.
About two years ago, Elisa seemed to have learned the rhythm of motherhood and helping her husband build a company.
She was the mother to three boys, and had recently moved the family just outside Phoenix where they a had set up offices for their growing business and a home for a growing family. Things were going well personally and professionally. At this point, many a business owner would raise their hands to the sky in half gratitude, half self-praise, and sit back to admire their years of hard work finally paying off. Elisa and Todd are not ones to rest on their laurels, though. The couple have always been of a generous spirit, but this time their hearts felt they had so much, it was time to share all of it. They started taking classes to be considered for fostering a child. A few short months later, they opened their home, their family, and their hearts to a little girl. Elisa, always graceful and articulate, was poised through so much of this great transition for their family, people surrounding them were amazed. “Wonder Woman strikes again!” If the phrase wasn't on their lips, it was a continuous thought expressed within the community.
If you are familiar with Wonder Woman, you might remember she stands for truth. Her superhero suit is even equipped with a Lasso of Truth should anyone need assistance with their recollection of the truth. So when talk of Elisa's assumed perfection reached her, she took on another role to set the answer straight. Elisa added blogger to her already full plate. While her blog,, was started to allow others to see an honest version of what it's like to be a foster parent, a wide range of audiences have come to find hope and themselves in her words. Always loving the written word, Elisa has found herself on the other side of the story now, and it seems to be the perfect place for her.
After a year and half, the little girl has left their home, but not their heart, of course. So much has changed since her arrival, Elisa has not been lacking in material for the blog. Shortly after their girl arrived, they found out they were pregnant with their fourth boy who arrived in February making it a family of 7 for almost a year. So, while their fostering is taking a bit of break, four boys and a budding business has Elisa using her superpowers more than ever. Just last week, she was watching her four boys, three other children, plus her sweet foster girl for the day. Her CEO husband showed up on the scene in a bit of a panic. There was an impromptu video shoot with Jasmine Star and no script ready. Without even blinking, Elisa got the babes a snack, whipped open her laptop, and started typing up the script with her husband standing behind her. Wonder Woman, saves the day, yet again!
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